The science of storytelling

On social media it’s the audience who’s the hero, not the brand. At Facqt, we tell stories that empower audiences to conquer their hero’s journey by guiding them into their unknown to achieve their goals with trusted brands.
The Beginning
Every journey begins with the inspiration to grow. When a call to adventure arises, a new goal emerges and is prioritized within a person’s broader aspirations. On social media, these higher goals shape user behavior, guiding them toward solutions that bring them closer to who they aspire to be.

The Hero’s Journey

All goals are achieved through the cycle we know as the hero’s journey. Once someone receives their call to adventure, they begin pursuing guides to help them achieve their goals by overcoming obstacles through a transformative process. The better a brand is at aligning their story for this pursuit the more likely they’ll achieve their own acquisition goals.
Call to adventure
Crossing the threshold
Trials and challenges 
The Journey of a T Shirt
You want to express yourself amongst friends with a design on a t shirt
After looking for solutions you purchase a t shirt that speaks your voice
You wear the t shirt to a social outing
You reflect on the comments or lack of comments the t shirt received
You refine your style, learning how to better express yourself
The Hero
When people scroll through social media, they’re early in their hero’s journey, searching for solutions. They evaluate solutions based on how well they align with their aspirations. If the effort seems too high for too little reward, the goal goes dormant until another guide presents a clearer path
The Guide
The guide's role is to help the hero achieve their goals by conquering the unknown. With experience in this realm, they inspire the hero to take action by reshaping their vision of what’s possible.
The better someone sees their goals being achieved, the more likely they are to reallocate resources to reach them. By testing both audible and visual hooks, as well as post hooks, brands inspire more people to take action toward their goals.
The Brands Journey
One does not simply walk into profitability with social ads. Facqt helps brands spark new performance highs by combining strong fundamentals with a growth hacking framework. With allies like best practices, storyboarded videos, actors, and deep performance insights, we empower brands to control their story, conquer their performance goals, and unlock the creative heroes that drive tomorrow’s growth

You’ve Hit Rock Bottom

User generated content
With Keap we lowered their CPA 70% overnight by creating one video. Facebook took notice and turned our performance into their own case study to highlight the potential for advertisers on their family of platforms.
Schedule a discovery call to start your own hero’s journey.
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